Here am I, and the children that God has given me.
God has given us the huge responsibility of raising two boys. I can handle it for a while, but then doubts and fears can creep in. Sometimes I just really don't understand what makes them tick. Women, I get. Young teen girls, I've been there. Toddler girls who love doing their own hair, I understand. And baby girls that smell like lotion, I love.
But, men that kill deer for fun, I question.
And teen boys that turn sullen scare me.
Young boys who love snakes really make me wonder.
And toddler boys that are magnetically drawn to tractors and mud amaze me.
When women go to conferences, they cry their eyes out at
personal testimonies. And when men go, they
bend frying pans.
But, every now and then, it all makes perfect sense.
"Mom, I want you to be at my wedding. Are you going to be there for me?"
"Mom, I love my new clean room. Mom, I love you. Thank you for buying new sheets. Mom, I love them. Mom, I love you."
"Mom, sometimes when Dad yells, I think that he doesn't love me. Does he?"
"Mom, how do I know that Jesus really IS in my heart? I have asked him twice but I don't feel any different."
"Mom, will you start my shower? You know exactly where the knob needs to be."
"Mom, did you SEE that goal? Did you see it, huh?"
"Mom, you forgot to pray for the Operation Christmas Child boxes. You forgot to pray for me at school tomorrow. Mom, you forgot to pray for my pajamas."
Some days I understand what it is all about... being a mother of boys is not so hard.
They need love, they need reassurance, they need protection, and they need to learn how to pray, and they need to KNOW about the unfailing love of their Savior.
And that is the same thing that we all need, whether we are a rebellious teenage girl or a disobedient five year old boy.
My deepest, most fervent prayer, is that Nate and I do the best we can with the wisdom that God has given us, to return Drew and Finn back to their Creator with hearts that are molded and formed to be like His Own Son.And speaking of doing your best, how about that
winning field goal by Colby Boone? It makes me want to bust out my red face paint and head to Franklin County's regional semifinals this weekend...