Feb 20, 2012

The day for happy hearts.

 We made a deal.  No gifts.  No cards.  No flowers.  I smiled proudly at him... AS IF I really need something to know I am loved.  I went shopping for school parties on Monday night and laughed at the last minute spouses clustered in the card aisles.

I worked on my Pinterest inspired heart sweater.  I passed out sprinkles and whipped topping for ice cream sundaes in Finn's class while they opened their cards to each other.

 I giggled at the carving on the girl's bathroom door at the elementary.

I got home in the evening to see the homemade card for Drew from his friend that's a girl. 
The boy's ripped open their cards from Gram and began to plan how they would spend 5 BUCKS!

And then I turned to Nate with empty hands.  
Nothing for me, nothing for him.  
I love him, he loves me.  
No hard feelings.

But empty.  

Next year, I'm going all out.  

syrupy drippy hand written front and back hard to read cursive writing red sharpie pink construction paper lace glitter and glue

I forgot that even if I don't need any confirmation... Nate does. Because I saw the need for it through the sparkle in Drew and Finn's eyes and flushed cheeks when they opened their Valentine cards. 

I forgot that in the shell of sarcasm, witty comebacks, and business there is a boy who loves to open up a letter from his Valentine.


~Alisha~ said...

Even though you KNOW that someone loves you.......it still feels good to get a little something. :) We didn't do gifts or cards either but Carsen ended up making his daddy a homemade card.
Glad you got your cardigan done! Looks cute.

Cindy said...

Love your V-day Sweater :)