Oct 25, 2009

Psalm 38:7

There are basically three types of people that go to hear Tim Hawkins.

1st Type: You maaaybe have heard of him and you have seen one or two of his Youtube's on Facebook.

2nd Type: You have watched his DVD's at a bible study, can sing his most popular songs, and you sign up to go with about 60 other people from your Sunday School class and Youth Group.

3rd Type: You are a mega-fan and have the cross stitched pillow to prove it.

We fall somewhere in between 2 and 3.


Anonymous said...

too funny! :) i havent heard that one yet!! would have been fun to go...we were in OH tho.

have a blessed week!

Unknown said...

o yes, we're right there with you at 2.5. That man is soooo funny!

laura said...

you are not alone!

Amber said...

AHHHHH HAHAAAAAA HAHAHAHHA!!! That was a great time!!! I love how he is squeezin Drewby and Finny!!!

Love ya!

Mrs. K said...

SO funny, thanks for the laugh!