Nov 19, 2011


Fuller's Field, outside of Jerusalem in Judah
 Been there.
  Done that.
The fuller's field is mentioned in Isaiah 7:3.  Isaiah is sent there to speak to King Ahaz and here is where the virgin birth of Immanuel is prophesied.  It was in my bible reading this week and it caught my attention because I thought the name was cool sounding and anything to do with fabric or sewing gets me every time.  The fuller's field was just outside of Jerusalem and it is where the fullers washed processed cloth and bleached clothing.  The fullers bleached cloth white using a mix of alkali, soap, putrid urine, sulphur fumes, and plant ashes.  I just used a handy dandy Clorox pen.

I made the shirt as a token to remember my journey through the bible in a year and to remind myself of what Immanuel did for me.  He removed my transgressions as far as the east is from the west and he washed my sins until they were bleached as white as snow.


deborah said...

Awesome! I love it! What an awesome idea and what meaning for you!

~Alisha~ said...

Cute shirt! Its fun being crafty. :) Hope to see more of your great ideas.

hubbardgirl said...

don't even, joni!!! you always look so cute cause you ARE so cute! hehe............seriously