Oct 5, 2015

Silver linings.

1.  Rainy fall and miserable homecoming. 

2.  Chicken poop on my porch.
3.  Burnt up computers, printer problems, and vacuum issues.
4.  Puberty.

5.  Holes in my down bedding, dog pee on rugs.
6.  Work and sport schedules, cancellations and late nights.
7.  Torn ACL's.
8.  Not blogging for three years.
9.  Living 400 miles from family.
10.  Budgets and bills.
11.  Insurance and premiums and claims.
12.  Unfolded laundry that gets all wrinkly.
13.  Cold coffee.
14.  Not enough yarn for a 3 skein cowl.
15.  Lemon Larabars. 
16.  Prayer requests that I didn't pray for.
17.  Bible reading plan reminders that I'm behind.
18.  The name Jesus is divisive.  
19.  Trending news stories.
20.  Cancer.


1.  The sun is peeking, grass is green, leaves are turning.
2.  The chickens have started laying again.

3.  New toys.

4.  Teenage humor and manly sounding laughter.

5.  Fall cleaning, carpet cleaners, shiny windows.
6.  Hurricane Joaquin sent much needed rest our way.
7.  Athletic trainers and sports medicine, caring coaches, supportive team.

8.  Blogger saved it all.
9.  October wedding shower.
10.  Hardworking husband.
11.  Health and coverage.
12.  Fluff cycle.
13.  Fresh Yuban.
14.  Yarn balls.

15.  Peanut Butter Cookie Larabars.
16.  Answered prayers.
17.  Fresh start.
18.  Jesus is all inclusive.
19.  I see you, non-trending, good people.
20.  Chemo, radiation, recovery.